Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Ryan found out I haven't been to Yellowstone. As soon

as he heard that, he was like- we are going Saturday.

Saturday came and I found out Brittany was sick. I just

figured we wouldn't go, that is cool. Brittany insisted

we could since I hadn't been. We loaded up in the car

with diet pepsi and my iPod. Off we went!!!

Only to be stopped in traffic!


That is all I kept thinking.

Look but don't touch!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Thank goodness for Ry. I would

have missed all the wildlife without

his awesome eyesight!

Ry whistled and this beast actually turned his head!

Old Faithful!

"Ets a bawwwled eeeeagle"

Love waterfalls!

Decided we should take a picture on the way home.

Only thing is, I forgot Ry had just zoomed in

on some wildlife and I didn't change the setting!

We watched a ranger stop traffic so

this guy could safely cross the street.

How many do you see?

What a great day!

Wish Britt and Ty could

have joined us. Next time!!!

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